Green Team

Green Team

Each spring the BIZ applies for funding to hire two ‘green team ambassadors’ for the community. The BIZ has been successful in securing funding from the Province of Manitoba to hire one student to work for two months doing a variety of jobs in the community this year...


The St. Norbert BIZ recently installed decorative lighting poles along Pembina Hwy to help illuminate the business strip. The poles also include rings for hanging baskets and you will soon seen bright colourful baskets lining the streets. This project would not have...
Welcome Signs

Welcome Signs

No better way to welcome you to St. Norbert than our Welcome Signs! Our next goal is to have these sign illuminated for the evening and night time...
Seating Areas

Seating Areas

For the past year, the BIZ board has worked to secured funding support from the City of Winnipeg and Province of Manitoba to install seating areas along Pembina Hwy. A total of five new seating areas will be installed along St. Norbert’s ‘main street’ in the 2014...